7 Oct 2011


Dubai - Guest Speaking events at the Capital Club

The Capital Club and Cass Business School presented a number guest speakers on a variety of topics in the last couple of months. These topics covered insider trading, business models and lessons from the financial crisis, allowing the audience to have an in-depth discussion on current topics of the business world.

14/09/11 Insider Trading: Should the regulators legalise insider trading?

Based on extensive research on the topic, Professor Lasfer lead a debate on Insider trading
considering the importance of insider trading in increasing market efficiency, whilst trying to maintain
and protect the interest of outside/minority shareholders' interests.

26/09/11 What business models do we need for success and how do we get there?

In this evening debate Charles Baden-Fuller explored what the threats are to the current business models: in terms of the way companies need to think about value creation and value capture. And he looked at the challenges to managing business model adoption, and critically, the role of top management and the board of directors in setting the right agenda.

10/10/11 Investment Lessons from the Financial Crisis…
with Steve Thomas

With the crisis entering a new phase and the global economy facing a possible double-dip, why are policymakers so helpless and why has macroeconomics and finance theory been shown to be so lacking in credible solutions? And are there investment strategies which can secure reasonable returns despite the ultra-volatile market environment?

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